Athletes, whether professional or amateur, like to take care of their body, hence the benefits of Pressotherapy help them to keep more care.

1.- Eliminate toxins: Pressotaherapy offers a lymphatic massage for the body to eliminate liquids and fats.

2.- Improves performance: Regular use of a sports pressotherapy treatment allows the athlete to achieve toned and relaxed muscles without having to subject them to the tension and stress of physical exercise.

3.- Helps prevent injuries: by stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation, pressotherapy makes the athlete's body more flexible and elastic. Injuries are reduced and recovery is quicker.

4.- Reduces muscle fatigue: doing sports pressotherapy sessions after exercise favours the oxygenation of muscle tissue, providing skin elasticity, more toned muscles and a lesser feeling of tiredness.

5.- release stress and anxiety: as pressotherapy is painless, it helps the athlete to feel as good as new, leaving stress and anxiety behind.

There is no inconvenience to perform sports pressotherapy before and after training.

Pressotherapy before exercise helps to have a toned and elastic body to improve performance and prevent the occurrence of injuries. After exercise, pressotherapy helps to recover faster and to leave tension and fatigue behind.

It is advisable to leave a rest period between the pressotherapy session one hour before and one hour after the sport in question.

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Gridinlux presents AIRPRESS CUBE, an efficient Professional Massage Device for your body, very similar to the one used for pressotherapy. Its Technology, based on the Air Compression Massage Technique, applies pressure on strategic points of your body. In this way, you get a highly efficient massage, which eliminates the feeling of tired legs and feet, noticing lightness from the first session.

It has 2 accessories for leg massage, 1 accessory for arm massage and 1 accessory for abdominal massage. It allows you to use up to 3 accessories at the same time simultaneously, and has 4 air output channels.

Massage system with independent air valves.
Each accessory incorporates independent air chambers inside that inflate and deflate depending on the selected massage. Experience a unique sensation of total relief thanks to the EXCELLENT SENSE effect achieved by means of strategic Air Pressure Technology.

Professional massage and Total Relief sensation.
You can select any of its 4 massage modes, and customise each of them thanks to its 3 intensity levels. Feel as if the hands of real professionals are running through your body and get the physical relaxation you need.

Easy handling and total control of your massages.
This device has been designed to be as easy to use as possible. Benefit from its functions without complex modes of use. It has a simple connection system and easy navigation through its main panel.

Air compression massage with professional efficacy.
Extremely beneficial for people with high physical activity in their daily life, sportsmen or people who feel a great sensation of muscular heaviness. Receive the personalised massage you need at any time.

Accessories adaptable to different sizes.
Includes 2 leg straps, 1 armband and 1 girdle that can be perfectly adapted to different sizes thanks to 2 additional extenders that you can use whenever you need them. They have EASY CONNECTION System zips for a perfect and comfortable connection.

HI QUALITY materials of high comfort and quality.
All the accessories of this Massage System have been manufactured with materials of maximum durability and easy maintenance. In addition, the fabric used is made of waterproof material.

Device Data:
WEIGHT: 9 kg.
COLOUR: White.
POWER: 80 W VOLTAGE 220-240 V, 50 Hz.
OUTPUT: 50 L/min, 4 independent outlets.
AIR CHAMBERS: 16 in total, 4 per accessory.
MAXIMUM PRESSURE: 240 mm Hg (± 10) adjustable.
TIMES: 30-45 min.
WEIGHT: 7'7 Kg.
MEASUREMENTS: 23'5 x 25 x 12'5 cm.
SPECIAL FEATURES: Complete equipment included: 2 leg straps (with 2 extenders) + 1 armband + 1 belt, 4 different massage modes.

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