


TOWARDS A NEW TREND: ELECTRIC Scooters, gyropods, skates, bikes... The electric transition is underway and constitutes a real challenge for the future. Concerned about your needs, UrbanGlide offers a wide choice of electric devices adapted to your uses. Whether for leisure or business, your bike will follow your desires.

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The UrbanGlide Ride 100XS electric scooter combines strength, power and comfort. Equipped with a 7.5 Ah battery, 10" puncture-proof wheels and dual front and rear suspension, it will allow you to ride up to 30 km in complete safety thanks to its unrivalled grip on asphalt.

- Power supply: 100-240V
- Charging time: 5 hours.
- User weight: 120 Kg. max.
- Maximum speed: 25 km/h.
- Maximum distance: 30 - 35 Km.
- Packing dimensions: 115,5 x 16 x 53 cm.
- Net weight: 15 Kg.
- Wheel size: 10" / 25 cm.
- Material: Aluminium.

For everyone's safety, when using the product, it is important to respect the highway code. Children must be under the supervision of an adult. We advise you to wear a helmet as well as other safety accessories in order to be protected in the event of a fall. Be careful!

Please comply with the legal requirements that the DGT will demand from 2.023 Please respect the legislation in force. The autonomy, capacity on slopes and speed may vary depending on the weight of the user, the use and the slope of the route.


Customer opinions.ELECTRIC SCOOTER 10" RIDE-100XS - 7.5AH.
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