
Options To Move Freely.


By urban mobility we mean all the movements, both of people and goods, within a city, in order to travel the distance between one place and another. Urban mobility is usually classified as public and private. Movements within cities can be pedestrian, by bicycle, scooter, skateboard, rollerblades, etc. or motorised by motorbike, car, van, trailer, bus, tram, metro, etc. Smart cities address the challenges of urban mobility, in terms of environmental pollution and time savings, through technologies.

The main challenges of urban mobility are those related to environmental pollution and the large amount of time that citizens spend on transport to get to their workplace.

From MPro Sports we want to present you with options that involve:
- Saving time in your journeys.
- Economic savings.
- Being able to move without depending on third parties.
- In special situations, like the current one, without contact with other people.
- You do not pollute with CO2 emissions.

From electric scooters, such as the ECROSS, the 10" RIDE-100XS or the 8" RIDE-82S, among others, to the electric scooters BIKE-120L and BIKE-140, or the electric bicycles in their urban or sportier versions. Visit our website and check out our proposals in urban mobility. A proposal to take care of the environment and your quality of life.

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