
Erima's Six Wings line, which was presented last January, is having a great reception.


Erima's Six Wings line, which was presented last January, is having a great reception.

Last January 2022, Erima presented the new Six Wings line, which is having a great reception due to its wide range of garments and colours, easy to combine and adapt to sports clubs and individuals.

Erima Six Wings was presented with a range of 12 colours, easy to adapt to any club, and with a range of garments that cover the needs of any club, large or small, to play, train and walk around perfectly matched.

The line includes T-shirts, polo shirts, Bermuda shorts, shorts, tracksuit jackets, hooded jackets, sweatshirts, mackintoshes, anoracks, jackets with removable sleeves, ..., a set of garments to create the perfect outfit for each club.

You can see the complete Erima Six Wings line here.

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Erima Six Wings Naranja.
Erima Six Wings Negro-Gris.
Erima Six Wings Royal-Amarillo.
Erima Six Wings Marino-Royal.
Erima Six Wings Burdeos-Rojo.
Erima Six Wings Rojo-Blanco.
Erima Six Wings Amarillo-Negro.
Erima Six Wings Marino-Rojo.
Erima Six Wings Verde-Esmeralda.
Erima Six Wings Curacao-Mykonos.
Erima Six Wings Negro-Blanco.
Erima Six Wings.

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